Wine & Bacon: What a Combination!

Wine & Bacon: What a Combination!

By Bob Lipinski There are few greater aromas in the world than the smell of bacon sizzling in a frying pan. In fact, bacon’s mystical “sizzling sound” is reminiscent of the pattering of rain striking the ground. Bacon in one form or another is made throughout the...
Malbec — Argentina’s Signature Grape & Wine

Malbec — Argentina’s Signature Grape & Wine

By Bob Lipinski Originally a Bordeaux grape variety, Malbec has not only found a second home in Argentina but has become its most sought-after red wine. Malbec was brought to Argentina in 1868 by French agronomist Michel Pouget, while phylloxera, a grapevine...
Château Mouton Rothschild Artist Wine Labels

Château Mouton Rothschild Artist Wine Labels

By Bob Lipinski One of the most fascinating aspects of Château Mouton Roth­schild bottles is the artwork on the label. Every year Baron Philippe de Rothschild commissions a famous artist to design the upper portion of Mouton’s label. The tradition began in 1927 (with...
Alcoholic Beverages: Myths & Misconceptions

Alcoholic Beverages: Myths & Misconceptions

By Bob Lipinski Over the years there have been many myths and misconceptions about alcoholic beverages that have been carried from one generation to the next. Some are based on fiction, or false or mistaken beliefs that have never been debunked. Some popular myths...

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